[Mac-emacs-users] read-from-minibuffer loses point if same buffer open twice
Steven Tamm
23 years ago
This could just be an emacs problem or a behavior change between emacs
20 and 21.

I'm finding with 21.3.50 that if I have the same buffer open in two
different windows, when I try a query-replace in the window I opened
second, after it accepts the match-string, it immediately sends the
point of the second window to the point of the first. So, if I have the
file "foo.txt" open in two windows in the same frame, the first one has
the point half way down, the second one has it at the top. In the
second window I try to query replace and after I put in "baz" the point
in the second window jumps down to the middle before it asks for the
replace string.

I've traced the problem with the function (read-from-minibuffer) in
minibuf.c. It appears that when it reads the minibuffer input, it seems
to forget which window was active. It seems to happen under all sorts
of other conditions.
Has anyone else run into this problem?

Steven Tamm
23 years ago
Sorry about the spam. I haven't updated my CVS repository. RMS checked
in a fix last saturday to window.c.

Ignore me....
