[Mac-emacs-users] (no subject)
Gregg Reynolds
2002-07-26 09:36:05 UTC
Relatively new to OS X, runnning mac-emacs 21.1 on OS X 10.1.5, I seem
to have lost my latin 1 glyphs. Tried everything. Desperate. Mule
stuff like set-input-method seems to work ok, but I get blank boxes
instead of accented glyphs. Today I also noticed on a Mozilla 1.0 that
some latin 1 glyphs were not displaying, so maybe this is an OS X
question rather than an emacs question. Can anybody help?

(P.S. A logo idea: dress the Gnu in a tartan pattern and call him


G. Reynolds

G. Reynolds
Andrew Choi
2002-07-26 11:38:01 UTC
Post by Gregg Reynolds
Relatively new to OS X, runnning mac-emacs 21.1 on OS X 10.1.5, I
seem to have lost my latin 1 glyphs. Tried everything. Desperate.
Mule stuff like set-input-method seems to work ok, but I get blank
boxes instead of accented glyphs. Today I also noticed on a Mozilla
1.0 that some latin 1 glyphs were not displaying, so maybe this is
an OS X question rather than an emacs question. Can anybody help?
(P.S. A logo idea: dress the Gnu in a tartan pattern and call him
G. Reynolds
Hi Gregg,

The font problem had been fixed quite a while ago after the release of
the patch for Emacs 21.1. The Mac OS X code has been merged into the
main CVS tree so the latest version of the code can be obtained from
Emacs CVS repository, which includes this bug fix. The current
version is 21.3.50. For information on how to use the CVS, see:


This version contains a GNU head icon. If you like the icon in the
classic version better, a larger, color version is available at


To use it, simply replace the file with the same name in


by this one.

I have received various suggestions to name the program in the past.
But I don't think I should nor could give it a new name: the program
is simply just `Emacs'. Think of it as having earned the right to
carry that name :-).

Gregg Reynolds
2002-07-26 15:50:03 UTC
Post by Andrew Choi
Hi Gregg,
The font problem had been fixed quite a while ago after the release of
the patch for Emacs 21.1. The Mac OS X code has been merged into the
main CVS tree so the latest version of the code can be obtained from
Emacs CVS repository, which includes this bug fix. The current
Dear Andrew,

Thanks for the quick reply, and for the work on mac-emacs. I've got
21.3.50 running now, but I still don't see accented characters. The
fact that they don't seem to work anywhere else either (less v. 340,
Mozilla 1.0, TextEdit) leads me to believe I somehow changed a system
setting of some sort. Or maybe OS X 10.1.5 is buggy. (I'm pretty sure
accented glyphs were working at some point in the past.) Anybody


Lennart Staflin
2002-07-27 04:07:02 UTC
[..], but I still don't see accented characters. [..]
I had to set the default font to "fontset-mac" to see the Latin-1

Gregg Reynolds
2002-07-27 08:35:03 UTC
Post by Lennart Staflin
[..], but I still don't see accented characters. [..]
I had to set the default font to "fontset-mac" to see the Latin-1
Thanks, but no luck. But I'm not sure I've understood you; "font" and
"fontset" are different animals, aren't they? I tried setting the
default face to "fontset-mac", and the encoding to "mac", "mac-roman",
etc. to no avail.

This is incredibly, unbelievably frustrating. Is there some way I can
blame MS?

Patrick Gundlach
2002-07-27 11:24:04 UTC
Gregg Reynolds <***@earthlink.net> writes:

Post by Gregg Reynolds
Thanks, but no luck. But I'm not sure I've understood you; "font" and
then give these lines in your .emacs a try. At least it works for me
(german umlauts etc.)

(set-frame-font "fontset-mac")
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'mac-roman)
Post by Gregg Reynolds
This is incredibly, unbelievably frustrating. Is there some way I can
blame MS?
Very likely.

I'll fade into the darkness
Gregg Reynolds
2002-07-27 16:01:02 UTC
Post by Patrick Gundlach
then give these lines in your .emacs a try. At least it works for me
(german umlauts etc.)
(set-frame-font "fontset-mac")
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'mac-roman)
Thanks, but no go. Are you using OS X 10.1.5, emacs 21.3.50? Also,
I've got a bunch of fink stuff installed in /sw, but when I renamed that
directory to remove it from the path nothing changed, so I don't think
anything in there is interfering.

Does anybody know of some kind of configuration dump that would write
out all my emacs config settings (e.g. the various faces, fontsets,
encodings, etc.) for easy comparison to a system that works? At this
point it has become clear to me that the problem must be something
completely simple and obvious, along the lines of "make sure the power
cable is plugged in" and I just can't see it.


Patrick Gundlach
2002-07-27 17:51:02 UTC
Post by Gregg Reynolds
Thanks, but no go. Are you using OS X 10.1.5,
Post by Gregg Reynolds
emacs 21.3.50?
No. I have Enricos enriched emacs. I think (I don't feel like booting
my iBook now :) it is something like 21.1.x.
Post by Gregg Reynolds
Also, I've got a bunch of fink stuff installed in /sw, but when I
renamed that directory to remove it from the path nothing changed,
so I don't think anything in there is interfering.
This should do no harm.
Post by Gregg Reynolds
Does anybody know of some kind of configuration dump that would write
out all my emacs config settings (e.g. the various faces, fontsets,
encodings, etc.) for easy comparison to a system that works? At this
not that I know of.

So, you have an incorrect display of the Hello-file (C-h H)? I had
this, too but after Andrew suggested the lines I wrote in the last
mail; this file was (for the german-needed chars) ok. Strange that you
say that mozilla has also problems with the display of latin1 chars.

I'll fade into the darkness
Nozomu Ando
2002-07-27 19:09:06 UTC
Post by Gregg Reynolds
Does anybody know of some kind of configuration dump that would write
out all my emacs config settings (e.g. the various faces, fontsets,
encodings, etc.) for easy comparison to a system that works? At this
point it has become clear to me that the problem must be something
completely simple and obvious, along the lines of "make sure the power
cable is plugged in" and I just can't see it.
I am using emacs-21.3.50 on MacOSX 10.1.5.

It can display accented characters with no "~/.emacs".
But GNU-Fonts is need to be installed.
Do you have GNU-Fonts?


I hope this helps.
Nozomu Ando
Gregg Reynolds
2002-07-27 20:40:02 UTC
Post by Nozomu Ando
Do you have GNU-Fonts?

Bless you.

(But in my defense, I did verify that mac-emacs picks up fonts from the
standard OS X font search paths, specifically from
/Users/<uid>/Library/Fonts, and that the system fonts and my private
fonts have latin 1 glyphs. Emacs just refused to use them. But now I
observe that glyphs for codepoints > 127 come from the gnu fonts even
when I've set a mac font (try Zapfino) as the face. I.e. it looks like
emacs won't use the upper half of the latin 1 glyphs from the mac fonts,
substituting glyphs from the gnu fonts. Strikes me as odd; I suppose it
has something to do with font encoding vectors or truetype
machinations. Can anyone enlighten me as to what's happening? And esp.
how to get at the full set of glyphs in the mac system fonts?)

BTW, I put the gnu fonts in /Users/<myid>/Library/Font; I'd suggest a
note covering this in the README.

Heartfelt thanks for all the suggestions - the internet to the rescue
once again!

