[Mac-emacs-users] How to install? Aquamacs-Emacs-1.9.dmg
Joachim Osnabryg
2010-02-12 16:08:53 UTC
Helo emacs users,
Not having got an answer on gmane.emacs.macintosh.osx for my fundamental
question (perhaps not the right NG?), I post it here again - sorry for

---- Weitergeleitete Usenet-Nachricht ----
Von: "Joachim Osnabryg" <***@jpberlin.de>
Newsgroups: gmane.emacs.macintosh.osx

Yesterday I downloaded Aquamacs-Emacs-1.9.dmg.

After opening I noved the "Aquamacs Emacs.app" therein to the MacOSX
Applications folder and doubleclicked it.

=> Nothing happened.

Had I misunderstood what is said in the Aquamacs Manual.pdf page 3
(pdf-page 5):

"Just download the disk image (DMG), move the
Aquamacs application bundle to your hard drive, and launch."

Any advice what I could have made wrong?

How to install Aquamacs-Emacs on OSX 10.4 Tiger?

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger